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Japanese Beetle FAQ

Cringe-worthy... irritating... nuisance... yep, sounds about right when we're talking about Japanese beetles... and they are out NOW, y'all! Adult beetles are most active in the greater Charlotte area throughout the month of June.

I always get so many messages about them and how best to control them in your space. SO, I wanted to provide the FAQ section below to address some top-of-mind concerns / ideas / things to try for managing Japanese beetles. Here we go.

What do Japanese beetles eat?

They mainly eat the leaves (but also, sometimes fruit) of some backyard plants. Their signature mark is "skeletonized" leaves. They particularly love grape vines, roses, raspberries, peaches, plums, crape myrtles, pin oaks, maples, and hibiscus.

Will they kill my plants?

Nope! Your plants will rebound. But the presence of beetles can slow or limit fruit production.

Can I plant something to keep them away?

Yep! Consider planting catnip, chive, geranium and marigolds to help deter beetles. Geranium in particular is a helpful plant to have around. The essential oil found in the geranium flower are attractive to the beetle however, the properties of this oil render the beetle paralyzed and more susceptible to natural predators like birds.

What are natural predators to beetles?

Spiders, assassin bugs, predatory stink bugs, and birds. Backyard chickens enjoy them as treats... FYI if you're a chicken parent, try collecting the beetles in a glass jar and dump them in front of your girls for a snack.

Can I treat my plants for beetles?

Yep! Diatomaceous earth, Neem oil, and soapy water are all helpful in reducing populations. Apply these products in the mornings or evenings, and avoid the flowers of the plant (if there are any).

Should I set out beetle traps?

Ah, this is kind of tricky. To be effective, traps must attract beetles. If you set out a trap, position it 30 feet away from the plants most affected by the beetles.

Can I prevent Japanese beetles from coming back?

You can certainly try! Milky spore can be a helpful lawn treatment to kill grubs throughout the year. This often requires multiple applications (spring, summer and fall) for up to 5 years. This *can* be effective however *if* the grubs emerge in your neighbors' yards that were not treated with milky spore, they could still find their way to your yard, and your plants.

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